Saturday, March 28, 2009

I've been tagged!

Okay so I've been tagged to pull my fourth folder and my fourth picture from it to blog about. Here it is....
Christmas gingerbread cookies 2008 taken by Jessica

Cookies for Santa. We, along with most everyone else in the world, make cookies for Santa.  I bet you can guess which ones Jacob decorated. All though Joey has outgrown this stage, I found this cute picture of him helping clean out the leftover batter. He use to love baking for every holiday! 
Joey age 2.5 where did all the time go?

So, now it is your turn. I tag anyone who looks at my blog! 


Rebecca said...

oh my goodness! how cute is little joey??!! time really does go by too fast sometimes....

Kirsten and Cory said...

Joey is so cute in that picture! I happen to have one of Tanner just like it...where does the time go? I feel like I am watching my life (and their lives) flash before my eyes. :(

Natalie said...

I can't believe how little Joey is - I didn't even recognize him. It's only when I look back to I see how far I've come and how much my kids have grown!




A place to share all the fun memories we create as a family.