Monday, March 30, 2009

Pay it forward...

Once again I have a fun challenge, this one coming from my creative friend Natalie! Read on to see how to play this fun challenge game and receive a gift created just for you from me!

"In order to experience some of the awesomeness of creativity...
the first 5 people to respond to this post will receive something made by me! .... This offer does have some restrictions and limitations so please read carefully.

1) I make no guarantee that you will like what I make ; )
2) What I create will be just for you, with love ♥♥♥
3) It will be done this year (2009)
4) I will not give you any clue what it's going to be, but it will be something tangible not a 
cyber gift.
5) I reserve the right to do something completely strange.
6) No two gifts will be alike, and they may not be of equal value.
In return, all you need to do is post this text into a blog/note of your own and make 5 things for the first 5 people to respond to your post. I will not send your gift if you do not pay it forward (exp: in your blog, on Facebook, on Cafemom, send out a bulk e-mail)
8) Send me your mailing address if you don't live in the same town as me.

IMPORTANT: This offer is null and void if I do not see you post your own note to pay it forward.

I can't wait to see who the first 5 people are going to be. Natalie I am looking forward to my creative gift form you!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I've been tagged!

Okay so I've been tagged to pull my fourth folder and my fourth picture from it to blog about. Here it is....
Christmas gingerbread cookies 2008 taken by Jessica

Cookies for Santa. We, along with most everyone else in the world, make cookies for Santa.  I bet you can guess which ones Jacob decorated. All though Joey has outgrown this stage, I found this cute picture of him helping clean out the leftover batter. He use to love baking for every holiday! 
Joey age 2.5 where did all the time go?

So, now it is your turn. I tag anyone who looks at my blog! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My best savings so far!

I went to Smiths grocery store and purchased 90...yes 90..."PowerZeros" 
(the Power-Aid sports drink that has zero calories)  for a huge price of ....get ready for this...are you sitting down? Okay I'll stop the suspense... $11.25!  I know...crazy deal! They are usually on sale for .99 but normal price is 1.49 so I feel like I've won the lottery! That made each drink 12 and a half cents each. A savings of $80 bucks!!!!  Any one need a drink? I think I can spare one or two...LOL! I feel like I deserve to go out and get me a new pair of shoes with all the money I saved.
HUMMMMMM......not a bad idea. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cookies and Coupons

This month for my cooking group we had a guest speaker come and teach us all the ins and outs of using coupons! Of course we had to have food, its cooking group, so we munched on yummy homemade cookies. Here is my yummy treat for you enjoy

After listening to her teach us all the ways to save, I left excited to get started. I also wanted to share the web-sight she gave us so you guys can all start saving too! Hope everyone takes a look! Let me know if you want more info and I can send it your way.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Scrap-booking Retreat!

I went away for another four days to my cabin in the mountains to scrap-book, eat yummy food, watch chick-flicks and laugh until my tummy hurt. I know it seems like I just went, but we were all ready to head back up there. I love being-able to run away like that and spend all my days and nights creating beautiful pages of all our family memories. Here are a few of my favorite layouts  I finished. Italics written is the journaling.

Not to far in the distant future there will come a day when the boys mean more to you then "Crazy hair Day" and these fun memories will become a thing of the past.

I've never seen a person get lost so much in a sport like you do with golf. You don't care if there is only 20 minutes to hit a bucket of balls or I leave you for the day to hit 18 holes. You ask to go to the driving range daily and will even enjoy spending time in a golf simulator. Watching you play for the school team was a great moment for us. It is fun to see you enjoy something so fully! I never dreamed I would be a mom of a golf addict. 

You came home in december one day and told us you were having trouble reading the wipe off board at school. Of course that gave us a red flag  to go and get your eyes checked. I took you to "Lens Crafters" for your eye exam and a pair of new glasses. It was fun to see all the different styles on your sweet face. I love the pair you decided on. I think you look adorable and smart with them.

You and airplanes have been a pair un-separated by time. We can find them almost any where. The church bag, my purse, several in the car, all throughout the house, there is a plane for you to have. You absoloutly love them. You can name all of them, tell us how fast they go and how many passangers can fly in them. Your fascination over airplanes makes your daddy so happy because his love for flight is almost as large as yours. I love the way you line them up in your room or catalog them on the ottomen in the family room. Enjoy your love of winged machines Jacob, maybe some day you will be a great pilot just like your daddy!

It seemed too early in the school year for you to be bringing a book home to read on your own. I was thrilled to see your enthusiasm as you read each word to me and looked at the pictures. Your growing up so fast and with each ne w milestone you accomplish makes me so proud to be your mommy. 




A place to share all the fun memories we create as a family.