Monday, April 14, 2008

Dinner tag

I was visiting my girlfriends blog and loved her "Tag Dinner", post your dinner meals from last week. I had to laugh because she served her children cereal! So Becca this is for you, hope you get a good laugh from my dinner meals from last week.

Four out of  seven nights we went to dinner out! Twice was the same place! Jacob had " lucky charms" after swim lessons on Tuesday and we feed the basketball team twice with burgers and hot dogs on our grill. I only cooked one meal that whole week and that was Sunday. Grilled chicken, salad and baked potatoes. 

So by the looks of things, I need to stay home more and cook! No wonder my husband says we spend a lot of money on food. 


Rebecca said...

hey! look at your cute new template!
very cute!

glad to see someone spent less time on preparing their dinners last week than i did! ;)

too bad you're not closer so we could meet up somewhere for dinner!

Natalie said...

Love the new flower template. That was super funny about the dinners. Glad my kids aren't the only ones who get cereal from time to time :)




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