Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A fun Weekend!

Me with my friend Natalie
      A chip board book of our trip to Maui that took me 2 days to create! My poor fingers hurt from all the cutting! 

We always have a fun challenge to do while we are up there and this time it was no different. We all created a fun chip board according album in any way we want to. Mine says "Did you know you inspire me to enjoy the sweet moments of life". 

I am happy to be home and back in the swing of things. I have to wait another 6 months to go again, but it is worth the wait. Enjoy your week!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Scrap-booking Retreat!

It has been a tradition for 4 years to go up to my cabin every six months and scrap-book my  little heart out. The time has arrived to once again make the journey up to Freedom, Wy. and enjoy my girlfriends company. I look forward to this time to enjoy friendships, laughter, and a ton of girly movies! It is so much fun. I come home sleep deprived from pulling all nighters, but a much better person then when I left. I love seeing my kids look thru all the layouts and mini books I create. It makes it all worth it. So come back and visit my blog next week to see my fun things I did at my cabin with my girlfriends!  

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Strawberry Plants

Jessica has a cute little garden next to the kids playground in our backyard. She started off the season with strawberry plants. Six in a container and she purchased six sets. They took up half her garden space, but she is happy. 

Now she thinks she wants to plant carrots or potatoes on the other half. 

Monday, April 14, 2008

Dinner tag

I was visiting my girlfriends blog and loved her "Tag Dinner", post your dinner meals from last week. I had to laugh because she served her children cereal! So Becca this is for you, hope you get a good laugh from my dinner meals from last week.

Four out of  seven nights we went to dinner out! Twice was the same place! Jacob had " lucky charms" after swim lessons on Tuesday and we feed the basketball team twice with burgers and hot dogs on our grill. I only cooked one meal that whole week and that was Sunday. Grilled chicken, salad and baked potatoes. 

So by the looks of things, I need to stay home more and cook! No wonder my husband says we spend a lot of money on food. 

Friday, April 11, 2008

Funny Stuff!

Isn't it funny to see things from the other side! I hope these put a smile on your face today. Have a fun weekend!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Kids at school

I have always been a PTA member and tried to contribute to our school when ever they needed help. This year was no different. I was able to be on the school "year book" committee. I took pictures of my two kids classrooms and had to design pages for the book. It was a lot of fun! I took a ton of pictures, but will only bore you with two! LOL

Can you see which child is mine from the two photos?




A place to share all the fun memories we create as a family.