Friday, August 1, 2008

35 truths about me at 35

I just had a birthday this month and turned 35! So I created this layout called, 
"35 truths about me at 35". I saw it done on at: and thought what a great idea. So here is my 35 truths:
I have an obsession with cute aprons
I collect cookbooks
I love dark chocolate
I love to take baths instead of showers
I like to craft with my children
I am a messy person
I like to sing in the car
I am afraid of moths
Favorite color is purple
I love to take cruises
I've been on TV and radio
I've moved 13 times in 15 years of marriage
I lost my wedding ring twice
I love to play cards
I have hair issues
I am 5'2"
I love to blog
I am 100% digital scrap-booker
My husband runs our finances
I have never rode a roller-coster
I am a mother of 3 children
I was married in the temple
Cooking relaxes me
I TIVO everything
I have allergies
I don't wear makeup that often
I love it when people remember my birthday
I've flown our airplane
I've been reading the same book for 5 months now
I wish I could play the piano
I miss carried once

So there you have it, 35 Truths about me at 35! 


Rebecca said...

i LOVE this page! it may be one of my favorites so far... very cute idea!


Oh how i wish cooking relaxed me too!... i love to play cards and i tivo everything too... don't watch half of what i tivo, but it's there just in case! ;)

Fun to read!

Kerstin said...

happy birthday! i can't believe you are 35. both you and joe look younger than that :)

Angela said...

Jeni..what a fun idea. You are awesome. Happy Birthday! We are having a great summer..busy but fun. Hope that your summer is going good too. Thanks for keeping touch. Tell Jessica hi for Abby, she loves her little messages. Abby needs to get on the computer more..maybe one day she will have a blog herself!

Natalie said...

That looks awesome! You are always so on the ball with this.

Natalie said...
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Melinda said...

I love your page--cute idea and very nicely done. Happy Birthday!




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