Saturday, November 15, 2008

I did it!

Okay as everyone knows by now, Joe is a huge airplane freak! I say freak in a nice way. He love, love, loves to fly. The one thing he asks is that I muster up enough courage to go with him. Of course, I can do that in our big plane when I am tagging along to go visit some friends or family.  Our new plane in UK coming home 
But when he asks me to go sight seeing in the little plane I tend to have panic attacks and talk myself out of going up. 

I just can't seem to find the courage. I like to be up high over all the obstacles on the ground! The higher the better, that is why we have the big plane. The little plane does not go as high or climb as fast. A problem in my book!

Well, I did it tonight! I took my first flight in our little four passenger "Columbia" aircraft.
I climbed in and got myself settled as well as I could with my stomach in my throat! I was soooo nervous! Not because I thought I would die or that Joe had no idea what he was doing, but because of the unknown. I didn't know if I would enjoy myself like Joe does. 

Well, I was surprised. The plane was so smooth and steady. It was better then I thought it would be. I was able to go up TWICE, we did a "TOUCH AND GO". (Come in for a landing and touch the wheels on the runway and take of again.) That sucked and I don't want to that again. 

All in all, I did it! I swallowed my fear and flew in a four passenger death trap and survived

Please note, this is no way stating that I will fly in a little plane all the time nor does it mean that I will ever do this again! 


Rebecca said...

whoo-hoo! way to go. i bet joe was so excited to get you up there too. brian once took me, jason, and ethan up in a small plane once and by the end i was a little nauseous by the end... but it was fun! i do admit though, that i took comfort knowing that if we plummeted to earth at least we would all die together. ;)

Rebecca said...

okay... i better go to bed, because my last comment barely makes any sense at all! :P

Melinda said...

You make me laugh! Glad you had fun (and a safe landing).

Natalie said...

YEAH!! I am so proud of you. You have come a long way baby!!!

Tracie said...

Getting out of comfort zone once in a while is a good thing.
Good for you




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