Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Tag

Christmas Tag

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Gift bags! They are easy to grab and they look nice around the tree.

2. Real tree or artificial? Fake all the way! My allergies would go nuts with a real tree. Plus I hate the mess!

3. When do you put your Christmas tree up? Normaly the day after Thanksgiving, but this year we were repainting the house and didn't do it until December 18!

4. Like egg nog? Sometimes. My dad makes it every year and I drink it.

5. Do you have a nativity scene? I sure do! My mother-in-law gave it to me for my first Married Christmas. I treasure it, and only bring it out Christmas Eve when we read our scriptures.

6. Favorite Christmas gift received as a child? The year I was 12. One of our Young Wemon leaders gave me a huge stuffed bear as a secret santa gift. I still don't know who did it, but I will always remember it!

7. Hardest person to buy for? Office staff. I don't want them to think I am being cheap but I don't want to buy the farm either!

8. Easiest person to buy for? Joe, my husband. He just e-mails me all that he wants and I can just click and buy!

9. Worst Christmas gift? I really can not think of anything!

10. E-mail or snail mail Christmas card? I love them both, but if I had to pickI think I like snail mail better. A nice surprise to open.

11. Favorite Christmas movie? Santa Caluse with Tim Allen. Love all three of them!

12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Early October, most of the sales start then

13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I am pleading the 5th!

14. Favorite food to eat on Christmas? Nothing beats choclate in the morning right! I think the best is all the home made treats we get from our friends!

15. Clear or colored tree lights? clear...colored outside on the home

16. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Holy Night

17. Travel during Christmas or Stay home? We do both. just depends on our mood. We have a cabin we like to go to and play in the snow. Plus all my sibblings are out of state, so we go see them sometimes too.

18. Can you name Santa's reindeer? Only if I sing the song!

19. Angel or Star on Tree top? I use to have a star, but this year we have Joe's grandmothers angel on top.

20. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? As a child we did them on Christms Eve, but I make my kids wait till Christmas morning.

21. Most annoying thing about this time of year? All the traffic!

22. Favorite thing about Christmas? Remembering how blessed we are and sharring that with the less fortunite. My kids love helping out another family.

And now, if you are reading this, you are "tagged." Copy this and post it on your own blog...


Rebecca said...

Hiya! I loved reading your Christmas tag. Hmmm... I wonder who it was that gave you that stuffed bear?! Are your kids getting excited for Christmas? Does Jacob still believe in Santa? You have such a sweet family. Love ya!

Natalie said...

YEAH - I finally got your correct blog site. SOOO Cute! I guess I'm tagged now hee hee




A place to share all the fun memories we create as a family.